
Sprawdź, jak dobrze znasz język angielski...

Poniżej znajduje się wejście do testu online, który pomoże Ci się zorientować na jakim jesteś poziomie z języka angielskiego. Idea tego testu jest taka, aby wypełnić go możliwie szybko ( najlepiej w ciągu 15 minut ). Nie mierzymy tego czasu i nie ograniczamy go. Jakkolwiek z naszej wiedzy wynika, że w ciągu kwadransa można dokonać sprawdzenia samego siebie. Na koniec testu zaprosimy Cię także do kontaktu i umówimy na rozmowę telefoniczną w wygodnych dla Ciebie godzinach. Krótka rozmowa pozwoli nam ustalić jaki poziom kursu byłby dla Ciebie optymalny, aby umożliwić Ci najlepszy możliwy rozwój nie stawiając poprzeczki za wysoko 🙂

(basic grammar - present simple) Tim _________ playing computer games.

(basic grammar - past simple) Last summer, I _________ a great holiday in London.

(basic grammar - prepositions) I work in an office _________ about 15 people.

(basic grammar - modal verbs) I _________ speak French when I was 5.

(basic grammar - determiners) Julie is _________  of the nicest people I know.

(basic grammar - superlatives) This is the __________  film I’ve ever seen.

(basic grammar) I can visit you but I don't have __________ time.

(basic grammar - imperatives) “__________  worrying! Everything is OK!”

(basic grammar - present perfect) Tim is a vegetarian and has __________  eaten meat.

(basic grammar - passives) Coca-Cola is __________ everywhere.

(vocabulary - collocations) To pass the exam, you need to __________  your knowledge.

(basic grammar - nouns) I enjoy meeting people of __________ kinds.

(basic grammar - modals) “Excuse me... __________  you help me carry this box?”

(vocabulary - phrasal verbs) Call me when you land and I’ll come and ____________ .

(vocabulary - collocations) The plane was ____________  for 3 hours.

(basic grammar - conditionals) I’ll lend you £50 ____________  you return it tomorrow.

(vocabulary - collocations) I’m really ____________ in your offer.

(basic grammar - prepositions) I’m thinking ____________  visiting my sister next week.

(vocabulary) Learning to drive was more difficult than I had ____________ .

(basic grammar - prepositions) Going to university opens up a world ____________ interests.

(basic grammar - articles) My father is in ____________ prison . He killed a man!

(grammar - past modals) I don’t know who ate your cake. It ____________ Jim.He likes cakes and I saw him in the kitchen.

(grammar - relative clauses) That’s the man ____________ car was stolen last week.

(vocabulary - collocations) The angry boy ____________  a fire in the old, empty house.

(basic grammar - conditionals) If you had tried harder, we ____________ .

(basic grammar - the future) The film ___________  at 7pm so don’t be late.

(vocabulary - collocation) The hotel is within ______  reach of the town centre

(grammar - the future) By 2025, I __________  in London for 15 years.

(grammar - verb forms) I like ___________  the dentist twice a year.

(vocabulary - phrasal verbs) I was ___________  in Manchester by my grandparents.

(grammar - participle clauses) _________  a shower, I called my mum on my mobile.

(vocabulary - phrasal verbs) His present problems can be _________  to his difficult childhood.

(vocabulary - idioms) Don’t pay for everything. Let’s __________ . I’ll pay half and you can pay half.

(vocabulary - idioms) “The interest rate is almost 30% on this loan!” (B) “Well, needs must when the devil __________ ."

(vocabulary - idioms) Tim comes from a rich family. He was born with a silver __________  in his mouth.

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